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Paul was fascinated by movies - the technical and creative wizardry that make films possible.
Melissa was also fascinated by movies, but her real passion is finding a way to help people share their goals and ambitions through design and story telling.
What we both fell in love with, though, was STORY. And not just the ones perfect for the big screen. EVERYONE has a story, and every little detail matters in the telling.
That’s why we do what we do! Today, everyone’s story is, to one degree or another, online! Businesses and entrepreneurs in particular reach their audience through online content; their website, Youtube channel, photography and podcast. And we love helping them do it as effectively as possible.

It all started with video… then we exploded into all things online. But, looking back, none of this was an accident. It was our love of telling people’s stories, and helping them tell their own, that has guided every decision.
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